Sunday, 21 January 2018

After the Reggae play the Blues: A message to Nigeria youths part2

                1999 Constitution 
Our 1999 Constitution (as amended) guarantees freedom of association, peaceful assembly and expression (chapter 4, Sections 39 & 40). Imagine the compelling impact of a peaceful and orderly rally to mount pressure on government; Federal or State? 
Remember the “Enough is Enough” 6th February, 2017 rallies across few cities to which Acting President Yemi Osinbajo reacted, Those rallies are believed to have propelled the Federal Government to launch the “Economic Recovery plan” afterwards. Nigerian Youths have a huge capacity to recover their stolen destiny from the cabals raping this country.

United, we can collectively, challenge those constitutional clauses that enforce their power to oppress us, like the ages for contesting elective positions. This kind of unity can make it easy to recall elected officials who reasonably perform below expectations, pressure government on issues as payment of salaries and pensions, the economy, employment, good roads, light, Water and other amenities. With these done fairly, who will cry of marginalization anymore? 

Nigerian youths, “stop the reggae, play the blues”. Let there be peace and unity. Even if the country will eventually break up some day, let it happen peacefully in the same manner our independence was gotten because we will still need each other. We have continued to interact peacefully with the British people because the break was peaceful. By the way, Nigerians are living in other parts of the world peacefully. Nigerian Christians are living in many Islamic countries just as Nigerian Muslims are living in some Christian dominated countries and carrying out their lawful businesses. Why then can’t we live peacefully with one another? 
Note that one may know how war begins but never knows how it will end. 

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